Chíetoaı kọheısaq – Lesson 13
Hóı páı | (Dear) friend |
Je chum tuı jí ánıneaq da. ① Kaqsı jí, ꝡä hoeshıao da. Huosı jí súeq da. ② | I am sitting on the beach. I am watching the sunset. I am listening to the waves. |
Gı tú raı da. Ca hóq, ꝡä jaı jí da. | Everything is good. That make me happy. |
Kéo bu nıtı súq da. Ca hóq, ꝡä meo jí da. | But you are not here. That makes me sad. |
Bu dua súq, tïo de ríaq da. ③ | You don’t know how beautiful this place is. |
Zaı jí, ꝡä jıa fa súq ní da. Zoaıcıa jí, ꝡä ao cho súq ríaq da. | I hope that you will come here in the future. I am certain that you would like the place. |
Púchaq bï pu fa jí méı rú múaome da. ④ | Yesterday, I went to the mountains and the woods. |
Jíachaq bï jıa geq jí mí Samı da. Bua mí Samı ní da. | Tomorrow, I will meet Sami. Sami lives here. |
Jıa fa íme dóaq da. Geo máq da. | We will go to the village. It is old. |
Jıa tua hó, ꝡä kaqgaı jí chíjıo rú méjıo da. ⑤ | They will make me see the church and the museum. |
Jíajoa bï jıa rıufa jí búe da. ⑥ | Next week, I will return home. |
Súq bï gı tú raı ba. Shaıdı. | As for you, may everything be well. Goodbye. |
chum expresses that a given thing is ongoing, in the middle of taking place. In English, this is usually expressed by the -ing form of a verb: Chum fa jí “I am going”. Note that the ongoing action can be in the past, present, or future: Pu chum fa jí “I was going”, Jıa chum fa jí “I will be going”.
sı means “to be attentive (to something)”. Combined with kaq “visual”, and huo “auditory”, we get kaqsı “to watch something”, and huosı “to listen to something”.
tïo “to what extent”, is a family member of mä “whether” and it follows the same pattern. De ríaq “the place is beautiful”, tïo de ríaq “to what extent the place is beautiful”, or “how beautiful the place is”. Like mä, it also has a falling tone
counterpart: Tıo sao jío móq? “How big is the building?”.
puchaq “yesterday” and jıachaq “tomorrow” both use familiar components, so they should be easy to remember.
chıjıo “to be a church” is another easy-to-remember compound. chı “to believe”, jıo “to be a building” — a building for believers.
jıajoa “next week”, from jıa “future” and joa “week”. This word parallels jıachaq.
Nuı jío da. Kéo sao méı da. “The building is small. But the mountain is big.”
Chum tuı sá geo núofua da. “Someone old is sitting on the bed.”
Dua mí Samı, ꝡä meı ní da. “Sami knows that this is a mountain.”
Pu huosı súq hí raı móq? “What did you listen to?”
Ma zoaıcıa súq, ꝡä tı sá chıjıo dóaq móq? “Are you certain that there is a church in the village?”
Fill in the blanks:
“I am watching the dog go.” Kaqsı jí, ꝡä fa kúne da.
“Everybody listen!” Huosı tú poq ba!
“Which friend will you meet?” Hí paı nä jıa geq súq páı móq?
“Is the place old?” Ma geo ríaq móq?
“They want us to sit.” Aojaı hó, ꝡä tuı íme da.